Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Client Education
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) is a method that draws upon the natural wisdom of the body (posture, movement, and the nervous system) to tap into the innate drive in all of us to heal, adapt, and develop new capacities.
SP is for adults, children, and adolescents who suffer from unresolved trauma, relationship problems, or who want to reduce stress and improve their quality of life.

Moving on after difficult events such as trauma or hurtful experiences with caregivers is not easy, especially when those experiences have conditioned one to view the world as threatening or ourselves as inadequate. Even with a skilled therapist, it can sometimes be challenging to find relief or resolution and the client may end up feeling discouraged or stuck in their patterns. Sensorimotor Psychotherapy focuses on the body’s movement, posture, and sensation to help tap into that innate drive in all living things to heal, adapt, and develop new capacities. By tuning into the wisdom of the body, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy teaches clients to follows the inherent intelligent processes of the body and mind to discover the habitual, automatic attitudes (both physical and psychological), by which patterns of experience are generated. This gentle and empowering therapy is particularly helpful in working with the effects of trauma, relational trauma, and difficult past attachment relationships.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy addresses body, emotions, and thoughts to promote physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing. By working simultaneously with body and mind, information is revealed that often remains unconscious in conventional “talk” therapy, and physical changes are more lasting. This process can increase the integration between body and mind.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy can be used in combination with other modalities such as EMDR, cognitive-behavioral, and psychodynamic therapies to achieve the maximum benefit for the client.
Specific benefits are as individual as each client, but can include the reduction of pain (both emotional and physical) from trauma and attachment wounds; the reduction of post-traumatic stress symptoms; the reduction of anxiety disorder symptoms; increased ability to regulate emotions like anger, fear, or sadness; physical alignment; increased capacity for intimacy and fulfilled relationships; a greater sense of and ability to set boundaries; integration of dissociative parts; and an overall feeling of being more in tune with oneself.
The success of the method depends upon a client’s ability to sustain inner attentiveness, so this method may not be as affective with client’s whose ability to be mindful is affected in some way, such as by age, disability, extreme distress, or active substance addiction. However, this method is very adaptable to the individual, and can be modified based on a client’s difficulties, strengths, capacities, and goals.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a “bottom up” “phase oriented” method. This means therapy generally begins in the first phase – developing resources to regulate arousal. The second phase of therapy addresses memories and emotions, and the final phase is focused on moving forward through expressing emotions, addressing relationships, and widening the window of tolerance. The phases of therapy do not necessarily happen in order, and phases or skills learned within a phase may be revisited as needed. In a typical first session, the therapist provides psychoeducation on Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, assess the client’s abilities and goals, and evaluates which phases, if any, the client has already worked in. The therapist and client create a plan to reach the client’s goals.
During sessions in Phase 1, the client is guided to become aware of her current inner experience (such as memories, images, emotions, thoughts, and bodily patterns), and helped to access a state of consciousness called “mindfulness,” a self-reflective state, cultivated by gently focusing one’s attention inward. Using simple verbal & physical experiments, unconscious patterns are brought to consciousness where they can be examined, understood, and addressed. For example, a client may be asked to “notice what happens” as they recount a recent fight with their spouse. The client may then notice that they tighten their shoulders, furrow their brow, and feel their heart race. Using mindfulness, client and therapist explore the triggers and body signals of excessive or dysregulated arousal and work to increase awareness of how posture, movement, and gesture affect arousal and well-being. The therapist guides the client in identifying survival resources that were used to cope in the past, and helps the client to assess and develop strengths, talents, and competencies, and discover natural somatic resources. This investigative phase focuses on cultivating a connection to and understanding of the body that is used in later phases to address memories, thoughts, and beliefs.
In Phase 2 sessions, the client and therapist begin to identify the effects and signs of implicit memories (such as sensations, sensory intrusions, emotions, movements, and thoughts) and the client develops new resources to help integrate the painful events of the past. The therapist instructs the client in the use of “dual awareness” to address slivers (or small pieces) of state specific memories without having to reliving the past. The client participates actively, verbalizing their inner experience; painful hidden memories and beliefs may be revealed, and strong emotions expressed. Simultaneously, the dual-focus on the present moment experience and therapist’s prompts to use resources keep the client from becoming too dysregulated during this memory work. The client gets a sense of completion as they practice empowering actions that couldn’t be used in the past, and addresses dysregulating arousal and emotions that are related to animal defenses. This phase focuses on repairing the lasting effects of past trauma and attachment inadequacies in a way that is manageable, integrative, and confidence-building.
Phase 3 sessions continue to call upon the skills learned in phases one and two to address the legacy of a client’s relationship history, including early attachment relationships with caregivers. The client is guided in discovering limiting beliefs, such as, “I will never be good enough,” and their effect on the body. The client begins to explore connecting with and expressing emotions that have been missing or suppressed. By practicing movements and physical actions, the client can increase connections and intimacy, explore boundary setting, and assess her gait and explore new ways of walking. The therapist helps the client to increase positive emotions and pleasurable activities, and increase their capacity to play. Through guided, healthy risk-taking, the client is challenged to tend to previously neglected areas of life and widen their window of tolerance. The final stage of therapy helps the client to cultivate a sense of self, improve relationships, and achieve a sense of contentment and well-being in life.
No licensing for this method exists at this point. However, SPI recognizes those who successfully complete the Certification Training and who demonstrate the highest level of proficiency in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy skills as “Certified Advanced Practitioners.” Use our Therapist Directory to search for a therapist trained in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. The therapist directory is organized by geographical location and practitioners are listed according to the highest level of training completed. Please contact each therapist directly for more information regarding their practice. The directory is not inclusive, as it is an opt-in benefit available to those who wish to publish their contact information. SPI cannot recommend individual practitioners, cannot guarantee treatment outcomes, and is not liable for the actions of those listed in the directory.
The specific results of treatment depend on the therapist’s skill, experience, and previous somatic training, and on the client’s readiness, needs and goals. We suggest that clients and practitioners interview one another, seeking a good “fit”, before committing to a course of therapy. Clients should ask important questions like:
- What level of training have you completed in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy?
- What licensures do you hold?
- How long have you worked in this field?
- How will we assess my progress?
- What should I do if I don’t feel better?
- How much will treatment cost?
Healing requires a delicate balance of safety and risk, and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy will inevitably evoke memories, strong emotions, body responses, and survival defenses that can temporarily exacerbate symptoms, discomfort, feelings of distress, and even prompt states of hypo- or hyper-arousal. Clients will be challenged to take risks that explore uncomfortable territory and try new things that expand the boundaries of what feels comfortable, easy, or familiar. While working with a therapist, is important to be attentive to the internal signals that dictate how fast or slow to go. As in any relationship, difficulties can occur between client and therapist. These misunderstandings and mis-attunements can be uncomfortable and challenging, but often offer an opportunity to address a difficulty related to an old pattern by addressing the conflict together and making a new ending to an old story.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Literature for Therapists
The Pocket Guide to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in Context
A guide to this groundbreaking somatic-cognitive approach to PTSD and attachment disturbances treatment.
Pat Ogden presents Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with an updated vision for her work that advocates for an anti-racist, anti-oppression lens throughout the book.
Working closely with four consultants, a mix of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute graduates, trainers, consultants, and talented Sensorimotor Psychotherapists who have made social justice and sociocultural awareness the center of their work, this book expands the current conception of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Numerous composite cases with a variety of diverse clients bring the approach to life. This book will inspire practitioners to develop a deeper sensitivity to the issues and legacy of oppression and marginalization as they impact the field of psychology, as well as present topics of trauma and early attachment injuries, dissociation, dysregulation, and mindfulness through a Sensorimotor Psychotherapy lens.
“In this eye-opening new book, Pat Ogden brilliantly charts the continuing evolution of
her work. . . Original, illuminating, and mind-expanding about cultural biases and legacies. . . I hope this will become required reading for every therapist and policy maker!”
—Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, President, Trauma Research Foundation, author of The Body Keeps the Score
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment
The body’s innate intelligence is largely an untapped resource in psychotherapy. This book, designed for therapists and clients to explore together, is both psychoeducational and practical. It will help therapists and clients alike use their own somatic intelligence to reclaim the body and engage it in the therapy process.
A companion to the bestselling Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy, the book is not intended to teach the practice of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Rather, it is meant to act as a guide for helping clients draw on the wisdom of their bodies. Following an initial introductory section, the book consists of relatively short chapters designed to educate therapists and clients about a particular topic. Worksheets are provided for each chapter designed to be used either in therapy or between sessions to help clients integrate the material. The book will be useful for psychotherapists of a variety of persuasions: psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, and marriage and family therapists. Some of the material may also be valuable for psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, rehabilitation workers, crisis workers, victim advocates, disaster workers, and body therapists, as well as for graduate students and interns entering the field of mental health. Over 100 illustrations
“Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a landmark book in the history of body psychotherapy and effectively provides the bridge between traditional psychotherapy and body-oriented therapies. In this discipline-changing volume, Pat Ogden brilliantly decodes the crucial role that the body plays in regulating physiological, behavioral, and mental states.”
– Stephen Porges, PhD
“Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a must-read for psychoanalysts interested in nonverbal communication, dissociation, and trauma. This sophisticated book provides a remarkable integration of theory and clinical practice, informed by research in trauma, attachment, infancy, and neurobiology, as well as by psychoanalysis.”
– Beatrice Beebe, PhD
Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy
“The body, for a host of reasons, has been left out of the ‘talking cure.’” With these opening words, the authors announce the expansion of traditional talk-therapy—building on skills ingrained after4 decades of accepted mental health practice—and identify a unique approach to the treatment of trauma.
Conventional models of therapy, while fundamentally helpful, excludes discussion of the body, focusing predominantly on the idea that change occurs through narrative expression. No one has yet to combine our understanding of trauma and its effects with somatically-driven treatment to deliver a sound, comprehensive theory and treatment model.
Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy does just that. By incorporating theory and technique from traditional talk-therapy methods with body-oriented—or sensorimotor—psychotherapy, somatic psychology pioneer Pat Ogden and her colleagues present a breakthrough in trauma treatment, and expertly explain how using body sensation and movement can help heal the wounds of trauma.
“This is the book the field of psychotraumatology has been waiting for! Clinicians at last have a major practical and theoretical source for more fully understanding the central role of fixed sensorimotor patterns in survivors . . . Ogden and her colleagues masterfully demonstrate how to use the survivor’s physical fixation in traumatic experiences as an essential avenue to effective trauma treatment.”
– Onno van der Hart, PhD
“Ogden’s outstanding work in sensorimotor psychotherapy focuses not just on the devastating effects of trauma-induced alterations on mind, but also on body and brain. Asserting that the body has been left out of the “talking cure,” she offers a scholarly review of very recent advances in the trauma, neurobiology, developmental, and psychodynamic literatures that strongly suggests that bodily-based behaviors, affects, and cognitions must be brought to the forefront of the clinical encounter.”
– Allan N. Schore, PhD
Authors: Catherine C. Classen, PhD, Lesley Hughes, MSW, Carrie Clark , PsyD, Bonilyn Hill Mohammed, MEd, Patricia Woods, RN & Brendan Beckett, BA
Published online in Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 18 May 2020,
Abstract: This study is a pilot randomized controlled trial that examined the efficacy of a body-oriented group therapy designed to address chronic fear states in the body due to complex trauma. The Trauma and the Body Group (TBG) is a 20-session group psychotherapy that draws upon the principles and techniques of sensorimotor psychotherapy. Thirty-two women with a history of childhood trauma were randomized to immediate treatment or a waitlist control condition. Assessments were conducted one month prior to treatment, immediately after treatment, and six months post-treatment. Significant improvements were found in body awareness, anxiety, and soothing receptivity when comparing treatment to no treatment. The TBG appears to be a valuable tool for helping clients acquire mindfulness and self soothing skills that they can use to reduce posttraumatic symptoms. This study provides preliminary evidence that the TBG provides complex trauma survivors an opportunity to challenge their avoidance of two prominent trauma-related triggers – their bodies and interpersonal relationships – and in so doing may help survivors develop greater body awareness, increase their capacity for self and relational soothing, and reduce their anxiety symptoms.
“Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Group Therapy in the Treatment of Complex PTSD”
Authors: Gene-Cos, Nuri; Fisher, Janina; Ogden, Pat; Cantrel, Andy
Located in SciMedCentral: Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 11 September 2016, ISSN: 2374-0124
Abstract: In this article we evaluate a new modality of treatment for a very severe and chronically ill population at a National Trauma Centre. We describe the service with its current treatment options and the type of patients selected for this new intervention. PTSD is presented as a biphasic syndrome, necessitating treatment approaches that address both physiological arousal and alexithymia and numbing. Each Sensorimotor Psychotherapy session addresses a different set of symptoms sequenced in order of importance from a trauma-treatment perspective, including: autonomic arousal, implicit memory, basic techniques for regulating arousal, directing focused attention, boundaries and skills practice. We describe methodology issues, aims of the treatment and statistical results as well as qualitative aspects of the outcome. Statistically significant changes in pre-treatment scores on measures of PTSD symptoms, depression, overall health, and work and social functioning were observed. This study has important implications for stabilization phase one treatment in the management of individuals with complex trauma presentations.
Authors: Langmuir, Judith I.; Kirsh, Shari G.; Classen, Catherine C.
Located in: Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Vol 4(2), Mar 2012, 214-220.
Abstract: Research suggests that trauma has a profound effect on the body by disrupting normal physiologic responses leading to a broad range of trauma-related symptoms. In this paper, we describe a stage-one trauma group based on the clinical rationale and techniques of Pat Ogden’s (2006) sensorimotor psychotherapy (SP). To date, there has been no empirical research to support the efficacy of this treatment approach. Ten women with a history of childhood abuse participated in 20 weekly sessions of SP informed group therapy and were assessed at pretreatment, posttreatment, and at 6-month follow-up. Participants demonstrated significant improvement in body awareness, dissociation, and receptivity to soothing. This study of an SP-informed group therapy for women provides preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of SP in reducing trauma-related symptoms.
Authors: Greenwood H, Krzyzaniak N, Peiris R, Clark J, Scott AM, Cardona M, Griffith R, Glasziou P
Located in: JMIR Ment Health. 2022 Mar 11;9(3):e31780. doi: 10.2196/31780. PMID: 35275081; PMCID: PMC8956990.
Abstract: Background: Mental disorders are a leading cause of distress and disability worldwide. To meet patient demand, there is a need for increased access to high-quality, evidence-based mental health care. Telehealth has become well established in the treatment of illnesses, including mental health conditions. Objective: This study aims to conduct a robust evidence synthesis to assess whether there is evidence of differences between telehealth and face-to-face care for the management of less common mental and physical health conditions requiring psychotherapy.
“Resilience, self-esteem, and body attitude in women from early to late adulthood”
Authors: Izydorczyk, B. C., Rąba, M., & Sitnik-Warchulska, K.
Located in: Health Psychology Report, 6(3), 193–206.
Abstract: There are only a few papers dealing with the correlation power of mental resources (i.e. resilience and self-esteem) and attitude towards one’s own body in women at different ages, from youth to late adulthood. The aim of the article was to present the results of research focusing on the influence of mental resources (resilience and self-esteem) on development of anti-health or health-promoting attitudes in adult women towards their own bodies. Participants and procedure: The study involved 150 female participants aged 20–55 years. The following research methods were applied: the Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale SES, the Scale of Resilience Measurement SPP-25, the Contour Drawing Rating Scale by Thomson and Gray, the Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory (MSEI), the Body Esteem Scale BES by Franzoi and Shields, the Eating Disorder Inventory EDI, and the Questionnaire of Behaviour Towards the Body. Results: The conducted analysis indicated a relevant relation between individual resources (both general self-esteem and mental resiliency) and cognitive emotional attitude towards one’s own body in the examined women. The predictors of behaviours towards one’s own body in the examined women turned out to be only a strong drive to be thin and fear of gaining weight. The strongest predictors of self-assessment of the body and the evaluation of physical attractiveness were general self-esteem and resilience. Self-esteem turned out to be the strongest predictor for satisfaction with sexual attractiveness. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of distorted body image, and adopting a negative attitude towards it, can help to make more detailed psychological diagnosis of individual’s resources (resiliency and self-esteem) and their role in the development of the attitude towards one’s own body (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)
Authors: Andersen, T. E., Lahav, Y., Ellegaard, H., & Manniche, C.
Located in: European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8(1).
Abstract: It is well documented that comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in chronic pain is associated with a more severe symptom profile with respect to pain, disability and psychological distress. However, very few intervention studies exist targeting both PTSD and pain. The current study is the first randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of the body-oriented trauma approach of Somatic Experiencing (SE) for comorbid PTSD and low back pain. Although the method is well recognized by clinicians and widely used, SE still needs to be tested in a randomized clinical trial in comparison with an active control group.
Located in: European Association for Psychotherapy.
Abstract: Biosynthesis therapy was founded by David Boadella in 1975. Its early roots lie in the character analysis and vegetotherapy of Wilhelm Reich, the psychological synthesis of Pierre Janet and the pre- and peri-natal work of Francis Mott and Frank Lake. Since 1985 the method has been co-developed by Silvia Specht Boadella, particularly in its philosophical and transpersonal aspects. The transpersonal approach has been supported by the researches of Robert Moore into energy circulation and somatic meditations. In October 1998, the somatic and depth-psychological psychotherapy method of Biosynthesis was recognized by the European Association for Psychotherapy EAP as one of the first accredited methods in the field of body psychotherapy. Biosynthesis has been further developed in different fields of application by leading members of the International Foundation for Biosynthesis IFB, founded in Zürich in 2001, which takes care of the worldwide coordination of congruent training standards and research projects within the Biosynthesis institutes. They are all connected to the International Institute for Biosynthesis IIBS, based in Heiden, Switzerland.
Authors: Brom, D., Stokar, Y., Lawi, C., Nuriel-Porat, V., Ziv, Y., Lerner, K., & Ross, G.
Located in: Journal of Traumatic Stress, 30(3), 304–312.
Abstract: This study presents the first known randomized controlled study evaluating the effectiveness of somatic experiencing (SE), an integrative body‐focused therapy for treating people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There were 63 participants meeting DSM‐IV‐TRfull criteria for PTSD included. Baseline clinical interviews and self‐report measures were completed by all participants, who were then randomly assigned to study (n= 33) or waitlist (n= 30) groups. Study participants began 15 weekly SE sessions, whereas waitlist participants waited the same period, after which the second evaluation was conducted. All participants were evaluated a third time after an additional 15 weeks, during which time the waitlist group received SE therapy. Pretreatment evaluation showed no significant differences between groups. Mixed model linear regression analysis showed significant intervention effects for posttraumatic symptoms severity (Cohen’sd= 0.94 to 1.26) and depression (Cohen’sd= 0.7 to 1.08) both pre‐post and pre‐follow‐up. This randomized controlled study of SE shows positive results indicating SE may be an effective therapy method for PTSD. Further research is needed to understand who shall benefit most from this treatment modality.
Authors: Classen, C.C, Hughes, L, Clark, C, Mohammed, B. H., Woods, P. & Beckett, B
Located in: Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2020.1760173
Abstract: This study is a pilot randomized controlled trial that examined the efficacy of a body-oriented group therapy designed to address chronic fear states in the body due to complex trauma. The Trauma and the Body Group (TBG) is a 20-session group psychotherapy that draws upon the principles and techniques of sensorimotor psychotherapy. Thirty-two women with a history of childhood trauma were randomized to immediate treatment or a waitlist control condition. Assessments were conducted one month prior to treatment, immediately after treatment, and six months post-treatment. Significant improvements were found in body awareness, anxiety, and soothing receptivity when comparing treatment to no treatment. The TBG appears to be a valuable tool for helping clients acquire mindfulness and self soothing skills that they can use to reduce posttraumatic symptoms. This study provides preliminary evidence that the TBG provides complex trauma survivors an opportunity to challenge their avoidance of two prominent trauma-related triggers – their bodies and interpersonal relationships – and in so doing may help survivors develop greater body awareness, increase their capacity for self and relational soothing, and reduce their anxiety symptoms.
“Sensorimotor psychotherapy group therapy in the treatment of complex PTSD. “
Authors: Gene-Cos, N., Fisher, J., Ogden, P., & Cantrell, A.
Located in: Annals Psychiatry Mental Health. 4, 1080-1087.
Abstract: In this article we evaluate a new modality of treatment for a very severe and chronically ill population at a National Trauma Centre. We describe the service with its current treatment options and the type of patients selected for this new intervention. PTSD is presented as a biphasic syndrome, necessitating treatment approaches that address both physiological arousal and alexithymia and numbing. Each Sensorimotor Psychotherapy session addresses a different set of symptoms sequenced in order of importance from a trauma-treatment perspective, including: autonomic arousal, implicit memory, basic techniques for regulating arousal, directing focused attention, boundaries and skills practice. We describe methodology issues, aims of the treatment and statistical results as well as qualitative aspects of the outcome. Statistically significant changes in pre-treatment scores on measures of PTSD symptoms, depression, overall health, and work and social functioning were observed. This study has important implications for stabilization phase one treatment in the management of individuals with complex trauma presentations.
Authors: Langmuir, J.I., Kirsh, S.G., & Classen, C.C.
Located in: Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 4(2), 214-220.
Abstract: Research suggests that trauma has a profound effect on the body by disrupting normal physiologic responses leading to a broad range of trauma-related symptoms. In this paper, we describe a stage-one trauma group based on the clinical rationale and techniques of Pat Ogden’s (2006) sensorimotor psychotherapy (SP). To date, there has been no empirical research to support the efficacy of this treatment approach. Ten women with a history of childhood abuse participated in 20 weekly sessions of SP-informed group therapy and were assessed at pretreatment, posttreatment, and at 6-month follow-up. Participants demonstrated significant improvement in body awareness, dissociation, and receptivity to soothing. This study of an SP-informed group therapy for women provides preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of SP in reducing trauma-related symptoms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)
“Body psychotherapy for the treatment of severe mental disorders – an overview“
Authors: Frank Röhricht
Located in: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 10:1, 51-67, DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2014.962093
Abstract: The evidence base for the effectiveness of body psychotherapy (BPT) in the treatment of severe mental disorders has improved much over the last decade; both methodologically robust randomised controlled trials and also qualitative studies demonstrated how BPT can contribute substantially to the treatment portfolio and help address chronic conditions and disorder-specific psychopathology. This paper summarises how BPT is utilised for the treating a range of severe mental disorders including mania and schizophreniform psychosis, personality disorder and severe anxiety as well as depressive disorders. The intervention strategies are related to specific body-oriented phenomena, i.e. disturbances of body experience and body-mind regulation disorders; the approaches are described in the context of a new theoretical paradigm of BPT as embodied and embedded relational psychotherapy, aiming to facilitate improved self/affect regulation. For each specific illness, a short sketch of the cardinal symptoms and body image phenomenology is followed by a summary of disorder-specific intervention strategies of BPT for severe mental illness.
“Body awareness in healthy subjects – a qualitative study”
Authors: Gunhild Kjölstad, A., Lundvik G., & Gunvor Gard
Located in: European Journal of Physiotherapy, 24:4, 219-226, DOI: 10.1080/21679169.2020.1845792
Abstract: Qualitative research concerning body awareness has focused on how patients with different diagnosis experience body awareness. No earlier study has focused on healthy adults’ experiences of body awareness.
“Embodied identity—A deeper understanding of body awareness”
Authors: Gyllensten, A., Skär, L., Miller, M. & Gard, G.
Located in: Physiotherapy theory and practice. 26. 439-46. 10.3109/09593980903422956
Abstract: The aims of this study were to explore and generate an understanding of the meaning of body awareness through explanations of the experience of body awareness given by professionals and patients in psychiatric rehabilitation. A total of 20 strategically selected healthy informants were interviewed individually and in groups. Thirteen previous interviews with physiotherapists and 11 previous interviews with patients in psychiatric rehabilitation, describing their experiences of body awareness therapy and its effects were reanalyzed and included in the data for this study; in all 44 informants were included. Grounded theory methods guided the data construction and analysis. A theoretical understanding was conceptualised from which a core category of body awareness emerged: the embodied identity. This core category was related to two categories: living in the body and living in relation to others and in society. The subcategory “living in the body” was conceived as an important aspect to become more aware of the body and to experience oneself fromwithin in order to recognize one’s needs. A key point was the fact that bodily experiences always exists in the present moment. The experience of the body, the balance, and stability of the physical self were basic experiences that were connected to the conception of well-being and control. To understand one’s emotions and needs through the awareness of the body were understood as the base for self-confidence, trust in one-self, and the ability to take care of oneself and one’s needs physically and mentally. The subcategory “living in relation to others and in society” was conceived as an important aspect for the embodied self to interact with others and for societal participation. Working with the body in physiotherapy practice should include an understanding that body awareness is inseparable from the identity and may have an impact on the health of the individual. This implies that interventions to address problems in body awareness should be integrated into physiotherapy practice.
Authors: Kuhfuß, M., Maldei, T., Hetmanek, A., & Baumann, N.
Located in: European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12(1).
Abstract: The body-oriented therapeutic approach Somatic Experiencing® (SE) treats post-traumatic symptoms by changing the interoceptive and proprioceptive sensations associated with the traumatic experience. Filling a gap in the landscape of trauma treatments, SE has attracted growing interest in research and therapeutic practice, recently.
“Expand your body when you look at yourself: The role of the posture in a mirror exposure task”
Authors: Miragall, M., Etchemendy, E., Cebolla, A., Rodríguez, V., Medrano, C., & Baños, R. M
Located in: PloS one, 13(3), e0194686.
Abstract: Mirror exposure (ME) is one of the main components of the treatment of patients with eating disorders symptomatology and it has shown its effectiveness in improving several outcomes (e.g., body dissatisfaction). However, the study as to what body posture should be adopted to maximize its effectiveness has been neglected. From embodied cognition and emotion theories, the adoption of an expansive (vs. contractive) body posture has been associated with positive changes in cognitive and emotional responses. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of adopting an expansive (vs. contractive) posture before an ME task on body-related emotions and cognitions, as well as to analyze the possible moderator and mediator variables of these relationships. The sample was composed of 68 women (age: M = 21.74, SD = 3.12) with high scores on body dissatisfaction. Participants were randomly assigned to the expansive or contractive condition, where the openness of the arms/legs and the back position were manipulated. Posture was monitored by an electronic device and participants filled out several self-reported measures. ANCOVAs, moderation, mediation, and moderated mediated analyses were performed. Results showed that women in the expansive condition showed higher positive emotions after the ME. Moreover, exploratory analyses showed that adopting an expansive posture improved positive emotions, leading to improvements in negative emotions, body image satisfaction, and appraisal of the person’s own body. Psychological interventions should explore the value of holding an expansive posture before the ME in women with body dissatisfaction.
Authors: O’Neill, E., Clarke, P., Fido, D. et al.
Located in: Int J Ment Health Addiction 20, 1171–1181 (2022).
Abstract: Defined as the successful adaptation to dynamic environments, resilience is considered a cornerstone of mental health. However, with the underpinnings of resilience not yet fully understood, this manuscript tests the potential contribution of self-efficacy and embeddedness on resilience (explored through validated measures of future time perspective, body awareness, and social connectedness). The convenience sample of 18-to-77-year-old adults included 297 individuals, of which 36 were men and 171 were female. Participants completed online surveys composed of fifty-two questions in total, measuring self-efficacy, resilience, social connectedness, FTP, and body awareness. Resilience was positively related to self-efficacy, future time perspective, and social connectedness—but not to body awareness—and self-efficacy was positively associated with indices of embeddedness. Considering these correlations, and that only self-efficacy significantly predicted resilience, an exploratory model was proposed to test whether embeddedness directly predicted self-efficacy, and whether self-efficacy directly predicted resilience. Structural Equation Modelling suggested a good fit of this model, elucidating the interplay of psychological mechanisms underlying resilience. Thus, we identify potential variables of interest for clinical interventions aimed at increasing resilience and self-efficacy. Theoretical implications and future research are suggested based on these findings.
Authors: Radu, I., Tu, E., & Schneider, B.
Located in: Artificial Intelligence in Education: 21st International Conference, AIED 2020, Ifrane, Morocco, July 6–10, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, 12164, 257–262.
Abstract: In this paper we explore how Kinect body posture sensors can be used to detect group collaboration and learning, in the context of dyad pairs using augmented reality system. We leverage data collected during a study (N = 60 dyads) where participant pairs learned about electromagnetism. Using unsupervised machine learning methods on Kinect body posture sensor data, we contribute a set of dyad states associated with collaboration quality, attitudes toward physics and learning gains.
Authors: Rodríguez-Jiménez, R., Carmona, M., García-Merino, S., Díaz-Ureña, G., & Lara Bercial, P.J.
Located in: Education Sciences
Abstract: The continuous changes in our society require adapted training that encompasses both technical and competency knowledge. There is a high level of demand, especially in areas such as engineering, which can affect the mental health of students, producing high levels of stress and psychological distress, hindering self-efficacy and academic performance. Embodied learning working on self-awareness, stress reduction and self-knowledge can help to generate healthier environments. Creative therapies can be a tool to promote the prevention of health problems in this group of the population. In particular, Dance Movement Therapy has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving health in clinical and non-clinical settings. In this work, a body awareness program based on Dance Movement Therapy is developed and implemented in engineering students. Through a mixed pre-post methodology, its impact is evaluated and analyzed in an experimental group of engineering students. Psychometric tests, physiological variables and reflective diaries are used as data sources. The results show that the experimental group, compared with the control group, increased their levels of body awareness and connectedness, well-being and life satisfaction and reduced their stress levels. The results were supported by cortisol measures. Likewise, the students acknowledged having increased their levels of self-awareness and self-knowledge and considered the inclusion of these bodily approaches in higher education to be necessary.
Authors: Röhricht, F., Papadopoulos, N. & Priebe, S
Located in: Journal of Affective Disorders, 151, 85–91.
Abstract: Chronic major depressive disorder and dysthymia are associated with a high burden and substantial care costs. New and more effective treatments are required. This is the first randomized controlled trial designed to evaluate the effectiveness of Body Psychotherapy (BPT) in patients with chronic depression. Methods: Patients with chronic depressive syndromes (more than 2 years symptomatic) and a total score of ≥ 20 on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD) were randomly allocated to either immediate BPT or a waiting group which received BPT 12 weeks later. BPT was manualized, delivered in small groups in 20 sessions over a 10 weeks period, and provided in addition to treatment as usual. In an intention to treat analysis, primary outcome were depressive symptoms at the end of treatment adjusted for baseline symptom levels. Secondary outcomes were self-esteem and subjective quality of life. Results: Thirty-one patients were included and twenty-one received the intervention. At the end of treatment patients in the immediate BPT group had significantly lower depressive symptom scores than the waiting group (mean difference 8.7, 95% confidence interval 1.0-16.7). Secondary outcomes did not show statistically significant differences. When the scores of the waiting group before and after BPT (as offered after the waiting period) were also considered in the analysis, the differences with the initial waiting group remained significant. Conclusions: The results suggest that BPT may be an effective treatment option for patients with chronic depression. Difficulty recruiting and subsequent attrition was one of the limitations, but the findings merit further trials with larger samples and process studies to identify the precise therapeutic mechanisms.
Authors: Staples, J.K., Abdel Atti, J.A., & Gordon, J.S
Located in: International Journal of Stress Management, 18, 246–262.
Abstract: A mind-body skills group program was evaluated to determine its effects on symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and on hopelessness in children and adolescents in Gaza. The 10-session mind-body skills groups included meditation, guided imagery, breathing techniques, autogenic training, biofeedback, genograms, and self-expression through words, drawings, and movement. Data were analyzed from 129 children and adolescents meeting criteria for PTSD. Significant improvements in PTSD and depression symptoms and a significant decrease in a sense of hopelessness were observed immediately following participation in the program. At 7-month follow-up, the improvements in the total PTSD and depression scores were largely maintained and the decreased sense of hopelessness was fully maintained despite ongoing violent conflict and economic hardship. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Authors: Vancampfort, D., Brunner, E., Van Damme, T., & Stubbs, B
Located in: Physiotherapy Research International, 28(1), e1975.
Abstract: Purpose: This study examined the efficacy of basis body awareness therapy (BBAT) on functional outcomes and quality of life (QoL) in patients with mental health problems and long-lasting conditions including musculoskeletal disorders, chronic and psychosomatic pain, and neurological conditions. Material and methods: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were obtained from MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, CENTRAL, and PEDro from inception to April 1st, 2022. A random effects meta-analysis was performed to explore the efficacy of BBAT versus non-active and active control conditions. Conclusions: Physiotherapists should be cautious in adopting BBAT, noting there is no high-quality evidence to support its’ use to improve functionality and QoL in patients with mental health problems and/or long-lasting conditions.
“Upright posture improves affect and fatigue in people with depressive symptoms”
Authors: Wilkes, C., Kydd, R., Sagar, M., & Broadbent, E.
Located in: Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 54, 143–149.
Abstract: Slumped posture is a diagnostic feature of depression. While research shows upright posture improves self-esteem and mood in healthy samples, little research has investigated this in depressed samples. This study aimed to investigate whether changing posture could reduce negative affect and fatigue in people with mild to moderate depression undergoing a stressful task.
Authors: Winblad, Neal & Changaris, Michael & Stein, Phyllis.
Located in: Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12. 70. 10.3389/fnins.2018.00070.
Abstract: Individuals who treat trauma are at significant risk of vicarious traumatization and burnout. Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) is a resiliency-focused trauma treatment modality designed to address autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysregulation and its impacted physical health and mental health symptoms e.g., anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, migraines, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue, etc. The SE® training supports the development of clinical skills to reduce physical health/mental health symptoms as well as increase clinician resilience. Individuals who display resilience often have increased experiences of well-being (quality of life) and decreased levels of self-reported psychological symptoms. Greater resilience could mitigate the risks to providers and the clients they treat.
Book Chapters
“Beyond Words: A Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Perspective on Trauma Treatment”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Psychological Trauma: Theory, Clinical and Treatment (in press)
“’I Can See Clearly Now the Rain is Gone’: The Role of the Body in Forecasting the Future”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Body-States: Interpersonal and Relational Perspectives on the Treatment of Eating Disorders, (2014)
“Wisdom of the Body, Lost and Found: The Nineteenth John Bowlby Memorial Lecture”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Talking Bodies: How Do We Integrate Working with the Body in Psychotherapy from an Attachment and Relational Perspective?, (2014)
“Integrating Body and Mind: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Treatment of Dissociation, Defense, and Dysregulation”
Authors: Ogden, P. & Fisher, J.
Located in: Neurobiology and Treatment of Traumatic Dissociation: Towards an Embodied Self, (2014)
“Technique and Beyond: Therapeutic Enactments, Mindfulness, and the Role of the Body”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Healing Moments in Psychotherapy, (2013)
“Sensorimotor Psychotherapy as a Foundation of Group Therapy with Younger Clients”
Authors: Ogden, P. & Mark-Goldstein, B.
Located in: The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process, (2013)
“Brain-to-Brain, Body-to-body: A Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Approach for the Treatment of Children and Adolescents”
Authors: Ogden, P., Goldstein, B, & Fisher, J.
Located in: Current Perspectives and Applications in Neurobiology; Working with Young Persons who are Victims and Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse, (2012)
“Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Adaptions for the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Complex PTSD”
Authors: Lanius, R., Pain, C., Ogden, P., & Vermitten, E.
Located in: The Impact of Early Life and Trauma on Health and Disease: The Hidden Epidemic, (2010)
“Modulation, Mindfulness, and Movement in the Treatment of Trauma-related Depression”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Clinical Pearls of Wisdom: 21 Leading Therapists Offer their Key Insights, (2009)
“Sensorimotor Psychotherapy”
Authors: Ogden, P. & Fisher, J.
Located in: Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence Based Guide, (2009)
“Emotion, Mindfulness and Movement: Expanding the Regulatory Boundaries of the Window of Tolerance”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development & Clinical Practice, (2009)
“Sensorimotor Approach to Processing Traumatic Memory”
Authors: Ogden, P. & Minton, K.
Located in: Brief Treatments for the Traumatized: A Project of the Green Cross Foundation, (2002)
“Hakomi Integrative Somatics”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body/Mind Disciplines, (1999)
“Hands-on Psychotherapy: Hakomi Integrative Somatics”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Getting in Touch, (1997)
Journal Articles
“The body as cultural home: exploring, embodying, and navigating the complexities of multiple identities”
Authors: Jorba Galdos L. & Warren M.
Keywords: multicultural, identity exploration, congruent hybrid identities, resiliency
Located in: Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, 4 November 2021,
“Commentary on Paper by Ellen F. Fries”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Keywords: implicit self, proximity-seeking actions, attachment, body-oriented interventions
Located in: Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives, 22(5), 606-615 (2012)
“Understanding Dissociation and the Body – Then and Now”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Keywords: trauma treatment, PTSD, dissociative disorders, history of sensorimotor psychotherapy
Located in: Interact, 12(2), (2012)
“The Movements of Play: Restoring Spontaneity and Flexibility in Traumatized Individuals”
Authors: Ogden, P. & Fisher, J.
Keywords: play, pleasure, attachment, trauma, window of tolerance, safety, arousal, social engagement
Located in: GAINS Quarterly(2014)
“A Sensorimotor Approach to the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation”
Authors: Ogden, P., Pain, C. & Fisher, J.
Located in: Dissociative Disorders: An Expanding Window into the Psychobiology of the Mind, 263-279, (2006)
“Including the Body in Mainstream Psychotherapy with Chronically Traumatized Patients”
Authors: Ogden, P., Pain, C., Minton, K., & Fisher, J.
Located in: Psychologist-Psychoanalyst, 25(4), 19-23, (Fall 2005)
“The Integration of Somatic Approaches and Traditional Psychotherapy with Chronically Traumatized Patients”
Authors: Ogden, P., Steele, K., & Pain, C.
Located in: The International Society for the Study of Dissociation News, 22(1), (2004), Membership required
“Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: One Method for Processing Trauma”
Authors: Ogden, P. & Minton, K.
Located in: Traumatology,6(3), 149-173, (2000)
“Inner Body Sensation. Part Two.”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Somatics, 11(3), 42-49, (1998)
“Inner Body Sensation. Part One.”
Authors: Ogden, P.
Located in: Somatics, 11(2), 40-43, (1997)
“Translating the Body’s Language”
Authors: Ogden, P. & Peters, A.
Located in: Hakomi Forum,8, 31-34, (1990)
SP Partners
Official SPI Training Partners
Centre PEPS-E
Psychothérapie Et Pratiques Specialized In The Treatment Troubles Emotionnels
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Instituto Carl Rogers
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Brooklyn/New York
Nachas Consulting
Belgian Institute for Psychotraumatology
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